Today marks my third anniversary of my move to Windsor. What's fitting about today is that we celebrated a milestone on the project I work on with a major announcement organized by yours truly.
For the past three weeks I have been completely immersed in this announcement plan. Putting it together, writing the news release, writing the backgrounder, writing the speaking notes, organizing the event details right down to how we would symbolize the completion (no ribbon, just trucks driving down a was cool, trust me).
It's fitting because this project has dominated my three years on the project. From the ups and downs of the announcements on this project to the ups and downs of the issues. Kind of like my three years there. Three years of learning, challenges, opportunities and a great deal of growth.
I'm not the same person I was three years ago. I believe I've gotten stronger from the learning experiences. Not just workwise, but also personally as well. It's been three years well spent.
So happy anniversary to me. And here's to more great success!