Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New Year, New Me?

While it may sound like I'm always on a diet, it's more of a "healthy eating" plan that I try to follow. I read about different things and I try to implement them into my life. Last year I tried Weight Watchers but it was so hard to plan out everything and eat everything properly and count all the points and then the worst thing was having to step on that scale once a week and find it has only moved a couple of ounces.

So I decided that not only would I start to eat healthy this time, I would try to stick to something else. Enter the "Lose Shape in Eight". It's this plan that a friend introduced me to through her trainer. It's relatively simple. Follow a certain way of eating: no white flour, no sugar, no breads, no pasta (except rice pasta), eat the big three (healthy fats, carbs, protein) in balance at each meal, no eating three hours before bed, exercise, and drink half your body weight in ounces of water.

It's actually not that hard. Except for the no caffeine part. Imagine this. No. Caffeine. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. My sweet blessed caffeine is left in the handy little tea bags in my desk drawer. Where it calls to me lovingly during the day as I drink 80 ounces of water. Devoid of caffeine. No tasty tea flavoured water.

And if you think it's sad that I'm focusing on that, imagine what it's like not being able to eat chocolate.


The Cooking Photographer said...

Try Michel Montignac ( ) !! It works and you can eat chocolate, dark chocolate that is. But the main idea is to stay away from bad refined carbs and stick to the whole/multi grain carbs and not mix carbs with fats. As simple as that. It's based on the idea of glycemic index. Good luck!!

The Cooking Photographer said...

Try Michel Montignac ( ) !! It works and you can eat chocolate, dark chocolate that is. But the main idea is to stay away from bad refined carbs and stick to the whole/multi grain carbs and not mix carbs with fats. As simple as that. It's based on the idea of glycemic index. Good luck!!

The Cooking Photographer said...

Try Michel Montignac ( ) !! It works and you can eat chocolate, dark chocolate that is. But the main idea is to stay away from bad refined carbs and stick to the whole/multi grain carbs and not mix carbs with fats. As simple as that. It's based on the idea of glycemic index. Good luck!!